• I am Getting Origin Error in WP Admin- hosted on Hostinger

Chelsea_W changed the title to I am Getting Origin Error in WP Admin- hosted on Hostinger.

    Lindsey_ Hi Lindsey,

    Has Ezoic gotten in touch with BitNinja and Hostinger? I am still getting origin errors on the WP admin of my three sites.

    I spoke with Hostinger support and they told me that the Ezoic IPs have been white listed. But they don't seem to be aware of what is going with BitNinja.

    Has Hostinger made any attempts to contact Ezoic about this? Or should I ask their customer support to do so?


      Fox77 We are currently in contact and will have an update on teh situation as soon as possible.

      There are several reported origin errors, 520 errors right now again. Is there any progress on this issue as this has been going on for several days already?

      By the way, last night I was able to access my website dashboard and I thought everything was already resolved but it seems that it is not again. What changes have you made last night that you are not being flagged by Bitninja?

        I am facing the same situation.

        Yesterday I was able to access the WP admin on my three sites. Now I am getting the origin error again.

          Fox77 Hi there, Thanks for letting us know that this is ongoing again for you. I know how frustrating this is, and please be assured our team has been in touch with Hostinger who have told us that they're looking into this issue for you.

          Just for some extra information I can share with our team:

          • Is this just in the backend or are you seeing errors on any article pages? Are you able to access the login page at all?
          • Where (country) are you connecting to the site from?

          Looking forward to hearing from you.


            I too am having this issue but only on my main site. My subdomains apear to be ok. I have raised a ticket and they closed it and this is their response

            Hello there, hope you are doing well.

            I have heard back from the technical team, and they have checked about the origin error you were facing. They have found that two of the Ezoic IP has been greylisted by Bitninja. Here are the two IPs:


            Could you please reach out to Ezoic and ask them to contact Bitninja to whitelist the IPs? Once they whitelist these, your websites will stop having the origin errors.

            This is so frustrating. I have also reached out to my ezoic agent but it appears he is currently on leave.

              thiswriteguy Hi there, Thanks for letting us know. I'm not sure why Hostinger is asking us to contact BitNinja for them, as they install BitNinja on their servers. I can see you have a ticket open with our leveled support team, so I will let them continue supporting you with this from there, to prevent any lost information or crossed wires. Thanks for your patience, I know how frustrating this situation is for everyone. Please be assured our team are continuing to speak to Hostinger about this.

                Monica thank you for your response. I look forward to a quick resolution on this. Im not sure if this may help but when I try to access the website using mobile data, there is a higher chance that the page will load but on wifi, most of the time it failed. I also purged both cloudflare and ezoic cache. Sometimes, it resolves an issue, but reverts back to 520 after a few minutes. I also noticed an increase in spam links registering in google search console but I am not sure if this is connected or not to the issue.


                  I am unable to access the wp admin on all three sites. It won't even load.

                  I used to be able to access the websites themselves. But now they are very slow to load or sometimes display origin errors.

                  I am trying to access them from the Philippines.

                  Can you check if my three sites ca--, po--- and ou--- are accessible on your end?

                  I hope this gets fixed soon. If my websites cannot load, I will lose page views and revenue.

                    Hi there,

                    Thank you so much for this feedback and the information. Our engineers are actively working on resolving this issue with both Bitninja and Hostinger at the moment and we hope that this will be resolved very soon.

                    We also added your site to our internal list and will update you as soon as the issue is resolved.

                      Hello Ezoic Support,

                      I would like to update you that today (Sept 13), I was able to access my admin dashboard, and seems like my site is normal.
                      Did you do something at your end?

                      Last Sunday (Sept 10), I was able to access it also but then the problem re-occurred come Monday (Sept 11). I hope things will stabilize and continue to work.

                        donskytech Hi there - thanks so much for letting us know. That's great news! :-)

                        We are still in talks with Hostinger and BitNinja, but we have seen (albeit, very gradually), Hostinger begin to whitelist our IP's again successfully and begin to look at server issues a bit more seriously. With that said, let's absolutely keep an eye on this and, should you have any issues accessing the back end of your site again, please let us know as soon as you can and we can investigate this in case there is still an issue.

                          Hello again! I have good news!

                          We've finally gotten some word from Hostinger and our IP's should no longer be blocked. :-)

                          If you are still seeing any issues with accessing your site or the back end of the site, please let us know but thankfully this should now be resolved.

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