Hi there,
It looks like both your LCP and CLS could be improved upon (it's important to note that as long as the scores are green tboth Google and your visitors will be satisfied, and any further improvements won't have any noticeable impact on either).
So I would first advise improving your cache hit rate, this is directly linked to LCP and FID because a cached response will always be faster than a response that comes from the origin server. A good cache hit rate is anything above 80% but ideally, you want this to be as high as possible
I would highly recommend that you take a look at this article on how to improve your cache hit rate: https://support.ezoic.com/kb/article/how-to-improve-my-cache-hit-rate
Additionally, if you are not already using our CDN manager which is part of our WP plugin then I suggest taking a look at this article: https://support.ezoic.com/kb/article/how-can-i-set-up-the-ezoic-wordpress-plugin-for-cdn-management
The CDN manager will help to automate cache updates so you do not need to manually clear the cache when making changes to your site, this should help with improving and maintaining a good cache hit rate.
I would also recommend looking through the technologies you currently have on your site, we rank them according to the impact they could be having on your site speed and offer alternatives where possible. You don't need to swap them all out, and you can in fact keep some if they are vital for your site, however making some swaps could have a great effect on your site speed.
If you do wish to change your theme to further improve your scores, you can find ones we recommend within the technologies tab under 'Technology Library' however I would advise to make this change in January. During the start of the year the ad rates are typically at their lowest, and as such chnages like this will have the least amount of impact on earnings.
Finally, for your CLS, you can test the 'worst' scoring pages here. Our system will detect the cause of the CLS and will provide information on how to resolve it.
Improving these scores can take time as they are based on 28 days of field data, so when making changes I would advise testing the page before and after to ensure that they are having the desired effect.