hello, is it ok to use that rule for the whole site in cloudflare?
it looks like I'm not getting cache hit from cf and miss from ezoic, I dont know if that ok or not but I notice its good as cloudflare have too many cdn in arabic world

    You shouldn't be using edge caching with cloudflare when using Ezoic.

    Cloudflare caching settings should be set to 'standard', with browser cache / TTL set to 'respect existing headers' only.

      Tucker_P_Ezoic ok thanks for the reply, also I had another question. I'm on ezoic hosting and I need php 8.2, is there relase date or upgrade by demand ?

        That's currently not possible. You can see available php versions in your hosting dashboard: Settings -> Hosting -> Go to WP Hosting Dashboard -> Content Settings -> PHP Version -> Edit.

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