
I've setup everything under mediation settings but still even after 2 months, mediation is not working.
I'm not getting the full benefit of ezoic and adsense.
Not to mention, I'm losing my adsense mediation earnings.

I'm so frustrated with this issue.
Why ezoic ignore all the small creators and publishers?
This is the 3rd time (I guess) I'm posting this kind of thread and still nobody is helping me to fix this issue.

I really have no hope left but still I'm asking for the so called ezoic community help.
Please, help me fix this issue asap since I already waited for whole 2 months.

Thank You!

    mediation will only report revenue if Adsense wins a bid against Ezoic on your site. If you've not seen mediation revenue until now, then ift just means that Ezoic is guaranteeing the best ad rates for your site. It's super common to see this happen, particularly for smaller sites who may not have had a previous history with Adsense.

    While I do believe that everything is working correctly, if you'd like to send me your adsense pub ID then I'd be more than happy to check to make sure that mediation has been set up.

      You are posting too frequently - please wait before posting again