Hi there,

scrolling Leap recommendations for my website's optimization I can see:

  • Google AdSense is causing a moderate impact to your performance metrics
  • Microsoft Clarity is causing a moderate impact to your performance metrics
    and checking my <head> I can actually find:
    <!-- Google AdSense --> <script (...) /script> <!-- /Google AdSense -->
    as well as: <!-- Microsoft - Clarity --> <script (...) script>. <!-- /Microsoft - Clarity -->

Given that this theme is 'brand new' and I don't remember I added this code, does it mean I should remove this code from <head>? Just that, or should I do so deeper cleanings removing something else somewhere?

Thank you again.

  • Jan replied to this.
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    Diego These are simply suggestions from Leap. The reality is that some technologies are required for your site, and you should not remove them blindly just to improve a 'score' that Google has said is not a significant ranking factor (if your site was extremely slow, it would show in the UX metrics). It's ultimately up to you as a business owner to make decisions on what is important to you.

      Jan Thank you. Not being a ranking factor, and not being aware of the consequences, I will leave everything as it is. Thanks for the suggestion! ; )

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