Hi guys, I’m currently using Wix, but I’ve been learning Wordpress and building a new site with Block Editor for the last few months. I’m almost ready to migrate to the new platform.
I’m happy to report that I’ve crossed the 1 dollar a day mark in my ad revenue, but I’m also concerned about which ads are performing well and which are not. I’d like to see some statistics on the ad placements and their earnings, but I couldn’t find anything specific on that.
Another issue is that I know the ad placement is a learning process that takes time, so I’m wondering how the migration will affect my ads. Will they be transferred to the new site or will I have to create new ones?
Right now, my site looks messy because of the AI placements and the odd locations of the ads. My site is also very slow, so I’ve hired someone to help me fix these problems. However, I don’t want to lose any data or revenue from my ads during the migration.
What is the best way to do this without any hassle?