
My site slowed down dramatically a couple of months ago. I realized it was probably because I forgot to update my WordPress theme's yearly subscription, so it stopped automatically updating the theme.

I've now rectified that problem and the theme has been up to date for a couple of weeks now. However, the site is still far slower than it was before.

Would you mind taking a quick look to see why it's so slow? Is there anything I can do to speed it up?

Kind regards,

    Marek Hey Marek, 'website speed' can mean many different things. At Ezoic, we are only really concerned with Core Web Vitals, as this is the only speed metrics used by Google to rank sites. Traditional site speed metrics like 'total time for page to load' are outdated and not really something to be concerned about.

    I recommend you utilise Leap and it's technology to help improve your sites Core Web Vital metrics, I'll leave some guides below to help you get started with Leap. Whilst this will help, I do want to point out that using Elementor on the site is going to limit the amount you can do to optimize your site speed. Elementor adds a large amount of css and javascript to all of your pages and will ultimately slow the site down. If you really want to see some improvements here, I recommend moving away from using Elementor.

    How do I set up or troubleshoot Ezoic Leap?
    Guide to using Leap toolset in the Ezoic dashboard

      Hi Imogen,

      Thank you for the advice. I'll use it to decide what to do next.

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