Humix has been disabled on my site for over a month now, but in the last day or two humix videos have been appearing on desktop in very odd positionS/PLACES, ruining the user experience. I cleared the cache for specific URLs but did not see any change. Help!
Humix Videos Repappearing on desktop after been disabled for two months
Ezoic Employee
Fysal it looks like these videos are coming from Universal Player - you can turn these off under Ad Types here:
However before you do - it's worth knowing that Universal Player is a video solution that enables you to maximize revenue from multiple video sources concurrently. It will serve a floating outstream video ad until your users either engage with the in-content video or continue scrolling past it. If a user doesn’t engage with your in-content video, a new instream video will elegantly transition to a floating bottom corner position and play automatically. Instream ads have a higher CPM than outstream ads so the higher the player is on the page, the sooner it floats and therefore the more quickly you will start generating revenue from it. Notably, even if a user doesn't reach the in-content video though, you'll earn revenue from the floating outstream video ad. The data we have so far is showing 10% and more revenue uplift from using Universal Player.