• Leap
  • Custom Javascript Is Not Allowed in search console due to EZOIC

I am facing " Custom Javascript Is Not Allowed in AMP section of google webstories in my google search console.

It is now deindexed from google.

After checking URL i found some script ezoic put in my webstories.

Help me to fix this issue at your earliest.

I have attached two links below.

Kindly check it.

[ https://ibb.co/BTFTdcV
https://ibb.co/9WrxZNb ]

Looking forward to your reply.

Thanks and Regards

    I've gone ahead and excluded your web stories from Ezoic so you should stop seeing this happening. If you are continuing to see it though, let me know and I can take another look 🙂

      You are posting too frequently - please wait before posting again