Dear Support,

How much would one expect if they had 24k Kenyan pageviews in the last 30 days?
If the earnings are USD 19 does it mean Ezoic is paying an EPMV of less than 1 USD for this traffic especially during this season?
In August, I remember support telling me the EMPV was 1USD, I thought it was low but decided to stay longer and observe, has the EMPV gone even lower now?

    There's no way to 'predict' the ePMV for traffic accurately - it's entirely dependent on the quality of the visits, not the volume.
    Receiving lower ePMV for higher traffic volume is an indication that users aren't interacting with your site in a meaningful way that would make advertisers wish to spend more to advertise on your site. Country of origin of the traffic can come into play, as certain advertisers don't look to advertise their products in certain regions - but it's not the be all / end all of higher ePMV.

    See here:

      Ok Ezoic,
      I hear you. For now I don't have a choice but one day I will. I see a lot of Ezoic ads on the site, all the time. I know the market isn't US so I didn't expect USD 10 epmv The Word quality is often used casually in these kinds of things. It's ok for now

        Again, there are multiple factors. Location is a big one but there are also other ones. For instance, user engagement related to the type of content you have is also important. If you have visitors coming and leaving your site quickly before they can see more ads, then that will obviously affect your EPMV as well. You'll want to review the EPMV guide that was linked above.

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