• Leap Caching
  • Website edits not showing on live site – is this a cache problem???

Hello Ezoic Community. I did NOT set up the integration between my website and Ezoic. And I’m not very tech savvy. Therefore please keep any advice and instructions veeeeeeeeeery simple.
I have several issues with my site – www.thriveloungedc.com. Here is the 1st problem I need help for today:
a) Site edits not showing on live site – I host my site on Squarespace (7.0 platform). Have published new blog posts and republished older content. After I made changes, hit the save button and hit the “publish” button, I looked at my site on my mobile phone and from a different computer. NONE of the changes were showing, at first.
b) After about a week, I hit republish again. Same problem – only seeing older page versions, not the updated content. So I started doing some research on how to fix
c) Saw a YouTube video suggesting I logon to Ezoic and clear the cache. But clicking the clear cache for the home page url (www.thriveloungedc.com) and the blog page (www.thriveloungedc.com/blog-1) only fixed the issue for 1 of the 2 pages. Home page still shows my non-updated home page from several months ago. Any suggestions to fix so that it shows the updated version I created a few days ago?

Possible related problem – when I went to settings --> DNS, I see the previous website owner had 9 entries for the cname listed. Could that cause duplicate pages OR DUPLICATE CACHE PAGE COPIES on the Internet? I’ll post a separate community question to better describe the multiple DNS listings I see in settings

    for changes to process in your account, you'd need to make sure that you're specifically clearing the cache for each of the pages you've updated. You can also clear the cache for your whole site in the caching app if you've made changes in multiple areas of the site. I've checked your settings and the caching app is set up so that using those clear cache settings should work. Don't forget that you've also got to clear your browser cache and cookies as well to see any changes live.

      Appreciate the response. I have tried clearing the cache on all of my laptop's browsers (Chrome, Duck Duck Go and Edge). Then I cleared the individual site pages through Leap. The only step I have not tried is clearing the cache for the entire site. The semi-good news is after I cleared the cache through Leap yesterday, I visited the site just now and see that the blog page is almost now updated except for 1 blog post. So making progress! Will trying clearing the cache one more time on my web browsers as well as through Leap. But likely will have to wipe it for the entire website. Thanks again for the advice.

        Thanks for the link to the article!!! Good for me to learn about this.

          cpbuy Sure, and just one last thing to mention. If you clear the cache and edits still don't show up then this means there's some incompatible caching on your site, preventing updates from showing. To resolve that disable caching outside Ezoic (Set at your host or via plugins).

            Hey Ethan. So far, mostly good progress. I ended up hitting the Leap button to clear the cache for my ENTIRE site. For some reason when I tried only clearing the cache for individual pages, I still had issues. Clearing cache for the entire site seemed to mostly do the trick. I can now see all of the "missing" blog posts and my homepage looks like it should. It's only been 24 hours. But I'm optimistic.

            I did get a message from Google Console that it cannot index most of the pages - 5xx error. But a few hours later it was able to index/reindex 4 pages. I think through the week this will resolve.

            Thanks for sharing the article about the basics of caching. I'll keep in mind that I may need to disable caching outside of Ezoic. And I'll rewatch the Ezoic video to make sure my Leap settings match what is recommended. Never boring!!! Enjoy the holidays.

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