Dear Ezoic team

My hosting provider BigScoots has been looking at the problems I'm having with Core Web Vitals and has spent some time optimising LEAP while trying to make sure that it doesn't break the menu as it was doing previously. He has suggested that I ask Ezoic to delay ads from loading until after the page loads. Is that possible? Please see his email below, thanks:

The caching has been disabled in Cloudflare, Ezoic is now the only cache and applying the optimizations. I've spent some time in LEAP doing what I can to improve metrics.

I can get fairly good results but its only when I disable ads on a page I was testing on, otherwise the ads degrade the performance pretty badly when looking at lab data which may not reflect directly with the actual core web vitals.

The only thing I would do is ask Ezoic if they can maybe delay the ads from loading until after the page loads.

    juliem Hey, Ezoic lazy loads ads by default, so you're all set here. Unfortunately you're not going to see any real imrpovements to your site speed and core web vital metrics whilst using Elementor. This page builder adds a large amount of css and javascript to your site, if you're serious about improving your site speed I recommend moving away from Elementor. Gutenberg tends to be a good alternative if you are still wanting to use a page builder.

      6 days later

      Hi Imogen, thanks for this. My search bar stopped working and so my technical team have been looking into it. They have disabled the script delay. I don´t know if this affects anything that Ezoic is doing or if it will affect my core web vitals? This is what he said:
      "Unless the ads is called by javascript, it should be fine. You can ask Ezoic to review the Script Delay by excluding the script(s) that causing the errors before if you want to reenable the script delay."

      Also, with regard to Elementor, I will definitely have a look into using Gutenberg, thanks for the suggestion. I wonder if this is the reason that my core web vitals has fallen in the last few months though as I have always used Elementor and haven't suddenly added more pages or posts so I wonder if there is something else that has caused this recent change?

      Many thanks


        juliem Hi Julie, rather than turn off script delay entirely you can try identify the script used for your search feature and then exclude this from being optimized as part of script delay. That'd allow you to use the script delay feature site wide, aside from on the search feature. We have a script delay debugger tool which should help with this: (you should look to delay any script which references the search bar)

        Additionally, if you've used Elementor for a while it is unlikely this recently started causing Core Web Vitals to drop, although that doesn't mean you shouldn't look to move to Gutenburg. Its more likely that if you've recently added other plugins or technologies that these have caused a drop in Core Web Vitals. In that case you might want to bear in mind whether you want to continue using those technologies or not.

        Also consider if you've recently added new Ezoic features or ad types recently. Putting ads on the site will result in more scripts being added, which does result in additional latency.

        Hopefully this helps!

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