• Humix
  • Humix Playlists made public

RE: Playlists

Where can "the public" get access to my Humix playlists?

This is a generic link that doesn't go to specific playlists: https://pubdash.ezoic.com/humix/studio/playlists

I can only access them as an "editor" but I want to make them known and available to everyone.

(Links and URLs for the public please.)

    ESLgold Hi, the Humix playlists can be accessed from your Humix dedicated page: https://eslgold.com/humix/

    You can see from that page that the playlists are listed at the top of your Humix page. Each playlist has a unique URL you can share too, if you wish to do so.

      Thanks Ethan,

      That is good information, but not all of my playlists are included there.

      I have created 21 playlists. However, only 8 are listed on the dedicated page (I scrolled all the way to the right, and it stopped at 8). Where did they hide the others?

      They've got to appear somewhere else besides on my Humix site editor.

      Any idea where to look?

      Appreciate your help.

        ESLgold That is a good question, I shall ask the Humix team to look into this and get back to you when they provide an update!

          ESLgold Hi, so all the playlists should show in the Humix page, but the arrow on the page, which allows you to scroll through all the playlists, isn't working. We're going to work on fixing that so users can access all your playlists.

            That is good news. Thanks for checking it for me.

              ESLgold Heads up, the team have fixed the bug, all your playlists are showing on your dedicated Humix page now 🙂

                Excellent. Thanks for your help on this. It makes a huge difference.

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