• Humix
  • How to disable Humix videos from my site but keeping the humix network active.

Hello guys,

I have noticed that the Humix videos shown in my website are destroying the user experience, besides they dont make much revenue.

So i want to to disable the Humix videos shown in my site, but continue to share my videos in Humix Network that is where we got more revenue.

I did tried to search all around Humix menus and options but did not find a way to do it.

Can you help?

    Hi there - hope you're well!

    I think first we should address your initial point about Humix 'destroying the user experience' -- can you elaborate / provide examples of how you came to that conclusion?
    In general, having a humix video on the site can actually increase engagement with a content page and greatly increase revenue possibilities, so we'd be curious to recreate what you're seeing and try to find a solution that doesn't involve removing them altogether from the site.

      Tucker_P_Ezoic , hi Tucker

      I am fine thanks! I am very appreciated for your fast reply.
      My website is cozinhadave.com that is a food channel, so normally we have in almost every posts at least 1 video (ours or if we dont have one we embed an highly relevant video).

      About the humix videos, i dont know why but in all the pages we see a big window with the humix video to click and play the video (thats fine) and in the top of that window i can see 3 split squares being another video (different) and 2 other boxes.... to me its confusing to the user its also quite confusing.

      If not able to do it, at least to understand how to remove those 3 squares, so i can have only 1 single humix in a clean way.

      If that is possible to be remove then i dont mind to keep the video, but if not, then would be nice to remove the videos only in my site.

        Do you have an example URL and a screenshot of what you're seeing?

        From your description, it sounds like you're referencing the universal player - which actually improves user engagement with the videos and earns you more.

          This in desktop view its so so.... but in mobile its not a good experience at all. The majority of the website traffic is mobile so thats the problem.

            Cozinhadave I've checked the URL you sent across on mobile and I am not seeing any immediate issues with the ad layout. Can you share a screenshot of exactly what you mean please?

            For the desktop screenshot, you are highlighting our universal player. This video format is great for optimizing revenue and we encourage you to keep it enabled. The universal player integrates an instream video player and outstream video ads throughout your website.

              In mobile is quite the same, maybe its me , but i would prefer to see only the video. I dont mind to have a preroll ads before the video start or in the middle, etc... but having 2 videos in the same place to me looks pretty spammy.

              I dont know if you understand what i am trying to say or explain, but for what you are saying i am feeling that what i want to remove is not possible right?

              Thanks in advance.

                Cozinhadave I understand what you're saying. The video/ad you don't like is the Universal Player. If you go to ad types > Universal Player > click more info, you get a preview of how the ad looks on your site. You can then turn the ad type off. It does tend to perform pretty well in terms of revenue, so you might want to bear that in mind before you disable it.

                If you turn the ad type off but are still not happy with your setup, let us know.

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