• Leap
  • Site menu redirections

on my site if someone who is using VPN or any ad blocker then hamburger menu is not working in mobile actually if someone click on menu it it redirecting it to web-story which is very bad user experience to user that he will never return to my site
any suggestion

    Alaukikmarathi Hey, I am experiencing the redirect issue with your menu button. This isn't something that Ezoic would configure, but you might have some kind of conflicting technology enabled that is forcing this. Can you send over a full list of your plugins please? Do you own the web stories?

      akismet spam comments
      header footer manager
      index now
      instant indexing
      rankmath seo
      spectra updraftplus
      web stories wordfence
      and for more information i have other websites which are not integrated with ezoic and these work fine with adblocker and vpn also

        Alaukikmarathi Thanks for confirming, those plugins should be fine. I've just gone ahead and excluded two scripts from Leap script delay, can you clear the cache and see if that helps resolve the redirect issue?

        If not, can you try the following:

        1. disable script delay entirely in Leap
        2. disable Leap entirely

        If one of those potential solutions works let us know and we'll provide next steps. Equally, let us know if none of those ideas resolves your issue and we'll look into it further

          i disabled script delay entirely
          now it is working fine , but how this option will make impact on my site does it make it slow

            Script delay is one of many LEAP features. It can help you improve site performance. If you have it turned off, then it's one less feature that LEAP can use.

              15 days later

              even i disable the script delay still problem was not solved so today i disable the leap so should i also disable cloud caching feature?
              and i am using litespeed cache plugin for caching and
              now i noticed one problem that now youtube player is not replaced by humix player how can i solve this?

                Litespeed caching can be incompatible with Ezoic.

                Further, the issue you reported shouldn't result in you needing to completely disable LEAP and Ezoic caching.
                We have a guide for you to use for the hamburger menu issue - but as was pointed out earlier, a redirect occurring with the menu isn't likely to be related to Ezoic necessarily, but rather to some sort of incompatible tech you're using.

                  i disabled leap because in above response on of your team member suggests me
                  but if i want to go with litespeed tell should i disabled ezoic cloud caching
                  and one thing also
                  youtube videos are not using humix player now what can i do for this?
                  whoever is going to answer this please give me solution for my all these queries not one only

                    It's best to focus on one (1) issue at a time, rather than try to address several. Addressing several is not best practice because not only does it lead to confusion (evident here) but it can also have a knock on effect in troubleshooting. One solution for a problem might lead to a different solution for another reported - so if we do one at a time, we're in a better position to help you.

                    Litespeed is going to cause issues with ad service, not just speed - so we suggest you do not 'just go with litespeed' if the intention is to get the most out of Ezoic.

                      any way i will go with litespeed and will check if this issue still persist or not just tell should i use cloud caching from ezoic with litespeed or not

                        5 days later

                        25 feb: these users redirected to this web story because of problem causing by ezoic

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