j'aimerais changer de compte ad manager pour mon compte ezoic
il y a le compte ad manager associé à ezoic
je veux le remplacer par le compte afin de donner le plein droit à ezoic d'exploiter mon adsense
We're not sure we understand - the account is approved, so if you 'change email' and apply again, you'd be flagged for a duplicate account and denied.
We'd need more background information on why you're making this request.
i would like my ad manager account with to be the main ad manager associated with ezoic as this is my main email with which i created my adsense account, having created a 2nd ad manager account with the email for the same site has eclipsed my main ad manager account. since it was your colleague who created the 2nd ad manager account, I would like you to close it so that I can get back my main ad manager account
memel To be clear, you do not need a new ad manager account for a new domain. All domains should be under the same ad manager account. We are not able to create new ad manager accounts for you nor can we delete them for you. Since your account is already approved, we should not be changing or altering anything here
j'ai cloturé le compte ad manager afin de pourvoir utiliser mon compte ad manager principal associé à mon compte adsense
voici le Code du réseau Ad Manager 22672582425
merci de m'aider à l'approuver
You will need to go through the steps in your dashboard. It looks like there is a pending invite.