Hey there,
I have turned on all the necessary leap settings but still my mobile score is not good. Can someone plz check at help me

    nikhil4 If you want to improve your site speed, you can utilise Leap, which can be found in your Ezoic dashboard. Leap offers the technology and tools to help you improve your sites core web vitals - which are the only site speed metric Google care about. You can use the resources below to assist you further with this:

    How do I set up or troubleshoot Ezoic Leap?
    Guide to using Leap toolset in the Ezoic dashboard
    What features does Leap have?

    For example, you can optimize JS via Leap, and improve your sites cache hit rate via the caching app, whcih is heavily linked with LCP.

      Imogen hey mate thanks for your reply. I have turned on leap and all the required settings of leap it have turned on minifying Java script, and still I am getting the issue.

        nikhil4 Leap isn't something that you can just turn on and it immediately improve things, it can take some time! I recommend allowing the tool a few days to gather the necessary data to improve the accuracy of your scores and recommendations. Have you tested your worse performing pages in the Ezoic Lab? I've just tested one and the results are explaining that resources are blocking the first paint of your page. You should consider delivering critical JS/CSS inline and deferring all non-critical JS/styles. Further information on how to implement this can be found here: https://developer.chrome.com/docs/lighthouse/performance/render-blocking-resources/

          Imogen it's not like I have started using leap today or for 1 week. I have been using leap for 5-6 months. But still I can't see results. That's why I am here for help. Critical css settings is turned on. What should I do more to increase my site speed

            nikhil4 One thin you'll want to do is improve the cache hit rate if possible. A good cache hit rate directly correlates to better site speed. Are you using any caching outside Ezoic? If so I'd recommend turning that off so Ezoic caching can work more effectively on your site.

            Aside from that, it looks like LCP is the biggest hit on your core web vitals and specifically the featured images are causing poor LCP as they're lazy loading. Ezoic/Leap shouldn't be lazy loading the featured image to make sure LCP doesn't take a hit. I'll contact the Leap team and have them look into this and will let you know what they say

              Thanks for reply mate, I don't use other caching plugin. But still it's not giving me desire results.

                nikhil4 The Leap team are pushing a fix so that the lazy load feature will ignore images that have loading set to eager or fetchpriority set to high, which should resolve your LCP issue for featured images over the coming days 🙂

                In terms of the cache hit rate, it can be a little difficult to achieve a great cache hit rate with a lower number of visits as there is less chance users will access a cached version of the site. As long as you don't use other caching then there's nothing else we can do to improve that and it'll naturally just improve as the site grows

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