Hello, I'm getting a notification that I'm missing an opportunity to generate revenue on certain pages. But I don't know how to fix this. Kindly, check out the screenshot that shows the list of pages that are getting views not generating revenue. What of I have to do from my side?

Looking for a detailed answer.

    Looks like visits are low on these pages, so it's normal that you're not seeing revenue there. Over time you should start to see these pages accrue some earnings for you. I'd only be concerned if you were seeing a consistent amount of traffic on pages that weren't earning anything

      Ohk, thanks for replying.
      I have one more question.
      Currently, my site is connected to ezoic via cloudflare but now I want to remove my site from Cloudflare because it's creating problems for me. My site's MOD_SECURITY is blocking me from loging into WordPress.

      On speaking with my hosting they told me that it's happening because of Cloudflare. So my question is can I remove my site from Cloudflare and link it to ezoic normally? If yes, what will he the step by step process.


        Cloudflare is commonly used on many sites. Is your hosting provider certain their system is not compatible? They could also just make adjustments or turn off MOD_SECURITY.

        If you'd still like to disconnect Cloudflare, you can do so through your Ezoic dashboard. You'd go to Settings -> Site Integration to remove Cloudflare. As an intermediate step, you could integrate your site with Ezoic through WP plugin integration. Then you'll need to change the nameservers with your registrar, away from Cloudflare.

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