Hello, I'm working on updating the video schema for my videos on AIOSEO and it asks for either the content URL or embed URL. I've been updating the embed URL because I wasn't sure if the content URL was available through Humix. AIOSEO recommended adding the embed URL if the content URL wasn't available. But i just thought I'd check to see if there was a way to add the content URL.


    the content url should be available directly on your humix channel, but if you're wanting to prioritise the webpages themselves that you're embedding videos on then I'd recommend using the embed url rather than the humix url

      Thank you, that is very helpful. Could you please provide more info on where that link is on the channel? I looked but didn't see it on the preview channel view. I don't necessarily want to prioritize the webpages. AIOSEO said it was just better to have a direct link to the content for the schema.

        aaronlee Hi, if you go to Humix > Studio > click on the <> you can view the embed code and content URL for thee videos. The content URL directs you to the video on your Humix channel

        Let us know if that isn't what you are looking for

          Hello, thank you. AIOSEO specified not to use the link to the video player but rather where the video file was stored. I'm not sure if that's an option but just wanted to check.


            Are they asking for a URL with a video file extension such as MP4 or MOV? That's not available. The Universal Player is set up to play videos with ads.

              Yes, they are asking for the file extension. Thank you for answering this question.

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