• Humix
  • Bulk Upload Videos + Displaying the Right Video on the Specific Article


I would like to upload 3000 videos to Humix and got those videos displayed onto the right article automatically.
Is that possible ? If so, how can I be sure that the right video is linked to the right article on my website ?


    If the video title matches the post URL, it should be easy to match through your video content settings. There is a daily upload limit below that threshold (~ 200) and it may be adjusted by our Platform Quality Team upon review. However, the site you referenced is currently not approved for monetization. You will still need to accept the Humix terms of service too.


      • The site is actually displaying ads, or maybe I choose the wrong one ?
      • Yeah, I guess we can actually look with Platform Quality Team to get more upload/day : my videos are completely related to the articles and are "sum-up" of the articles.
      • I want to be sure that the good video will be displayed on the right article - I can match the Video Name and Slug of article, and even the filename of video.


        It's og---.com. Do you have AdSense on the site? Those ads could be showing instead. One possible concern related to the bulk upload would be copyright. Did you create all of those videos yourself?

          Yeah, it's og---.com - but got two websites with the same letters at start - one accepted, other one nope.
          All videos created by me. With open source music.
          AdSense is disabled on the one accepted on Ezoic.

            For the site that's accepted, you can proceed to upload videos. However, it would be subject to the daily limits as our Platform Quality Team would have to review them.

              You are posting too frequently - please wait before posting again