Hi all -
I want any traffic to eastmanguitarfans.com to automatically be routed to www.eastmanguitarfans.com.

My issue is that the naked domain (without www) does not serve ads.

I think I need to change the CNAME in Ezoic DNS but not sure the right setting. Thanks in advance for the help.

    My hosting provider is simply pointing to ezoic; ezoic is managing my DNS settings. So how do I do this via Ezoic DNS?

      Ezoic is not your site host, the support seems to be confused because of the proxied connection - but they are absolutely managing your authoritative DNS. Ezoic is just keeping a copy to route the traffic properly through the proxy. https://support.ezoic.com/kb/article/why-do-my-online-dns-records-not-match-those-in-my-ezoic-dns-settings

      We've changed the only setting on our end that can adjust the canonical URL used for a visitor, that would route them to the www address. There is no change to the Ezoic DNS that would do this, and again we've done the only possible change on our end for you now.

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