My 2nd website has recently been approved by Ezoic. When I opened its Humix, I noticed that videos from my 1st site are being displayed, even though I haven't enabled "Allow Cross-Domain Access."

    Rnekezy I'm not able to recreate that currently, can you show us which videos are showing on the wrong site/Humix channel? You may just want to refresh the page as the Humix dashboard has been a little buggy the last few days

      Ethan All the videos of online****.com is showing in the Humix of room*.com. And I'm unable to upload videos to room********.com.

        Rnekezy I'm not able to recreate the error. Can you try just refreshing the page and clearing the cache? I'm pretty confident that this is just a caching issue and Humix is a little buggy

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