Hello!!! Could you please help optimize this item the.gatekeeperconsent.com, which affects Eliminate render-blocking resources as shown in the screenshot https://imgur.com/us01Lsi. And are there any other ways besides checking JS/CSS (currently disabled, because when this option is enabled, the menu in the mobile version breaks).

Thank you in advance.

    PacePassion Hello, the render-blocking is from the cookie consent banner on your site. Another publisher also saw this recommendation via Leap previously, and our speed team identified that the data gathered on render-blocking isn't accurate as the JavaScript files are not causing render blocking for that long. I will contact the speed team though and ask if they can confirm this is still true.

    Aside from that though, your best bet for improving speed would be following other Leap recommendations, to reduce the impact of third party plugins on your site speed.

      Ethan Thanks and I'll wait for your reply to confirm if it really affects the speed.
      We apply all recommendations, the only exception is JS/CSS, but as I wrote above, the menu and search in the mobile version do not work because of them.

        PacePassion Hi, in terms of recommendations, I meant those in your Leap homepage rather than the Leap optimization settings which I believe you were referring to. You can see what I'm referring to in the screenshot below

          Ethan I understand you, we have already optimized some points, some are in the process, but now I am interested in exactly what I indicated above. I would be grateful if you could help me optimize the.gatekeeperconsent.com. Maybe something can be done in the settings? Can you recommend anything?

            Regarding the script delay / CSS functions of LEAP - have you given troubleshooting using this guide a shot?

            We've told you about the consent here:

            "the render-blocking is from the cookie consent banner on your site. Another publisher also saw this recommendation via Leap previously, and our speed team identified that the data gathered on render-blocking isn't accurate as the JavaScript files are not causing render blocking for that long."

              You are posting too frequently - please wait before posting again