Svitlana_Blyzniuk Hi, if you've removed Elementor you'll naturally see the site speed scores increase over the coming days/weeks. Additionally, you've already got the Leap optimization settings on so there isn't further optimizing that can be enabled as such on our end but what you'll need to do is continue implementing further Leap recommendations to reduce the impact of third party technologies on your site speed. If you're having difficulties implementing recommendations or you’re unsure on what to do, follow the recommendations that are accompanied by a how to guide (the green link) and you'll see step by step instructions on how to implement the recommendation. Further, you can use the ‘view alternatives’ button to view technologies or plugins that are similar to those you’re currently using but are better for speed and site performance.
Your ad setup looks good to. Its worth noting we can't optimize Ezoic ads further for site speed, they're already delivered in a way that minimises the impact on your site speed.