Hi, my website recipepizzanapoletana.it doesn't work and I think the cause is your CDN service. Can you help me solve it please? Thank you.

    You can go to your Ezoic dashboard to turn off the caching app if you prefer.

    That being said, it's not clear why you believe it's due to the CDN. Can you provide more details?

    I am seeing an origin error when I go to your site. Can you verify that the IP address we have on file for your A records is correct? You can compare the settings in your Ezoic dashboard with your host settings.

    Another possibility is that your hosting provider is mistakenly blocking one or more Ezoic IPs. In that case, they will need to whitelist this list of IPs. Can you go through the steps in this guide? https://support.ezoic.com/kb/article/how-to-fix-origin-errors

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