Good afternoon! my epmv has decreased by half. traffic is increasing at the same time. GEO traffic - USA. why is epmv decreasing so much?

    • Staff Icon

      Ezoic Employee

    bazulinigor EPMV hasn't quite halved on average, you did have a couple of days where EPMV spiked at $20 but on average EPMV was a little lower than that. Additionally, EPMV fluctuations are something we should expect to see on a daily basis. Even if traffic remains the same, or increases, your EPMV is dependent upon global ad rates.

    If you're wanting to improve EPMV I would suggest adding more mid-content placeholders, which'll improve Ezoic AI testing on your site. There's currently not too many mid-content ads between your written content and the images, you can add more using our Chrome Extension:

      My average ePMV for the month is 16 dollars. But it's been going down every day for 2 weeks. Maybe I did something wrong on my site ?

      Just increasing the number of ads is not a solution. I had a normal ePMV, but now it is decreasing.

        • Staff Icon

          Ezoic Employee

        bazulinigor Have you made any changes to the site e.g. changed theme since the decrease in EPMV? As I mentioned, changes to EPMV are expected on a daily basis.

        Additionally, adding placeholders isn't about increasing the total number of ads, as our AI will leverage that, but more about improving the AI testing so the ads that do show return more revenue. I suggested adding more mid-content ads/placeholders as if you view the site in mobile, there certainly could be more ads as the sidebar/siderail ads won't show to those users. Mobile traffic also tends to make less revenue too, so its important that Ezoic can test effectively on your site

          I didn't change the theme. I haven't touched anything on the site. I don't want EPMV higher than I had before. I had an average of 16 dollars. I would like to get back to that. After all, your system originally made automatically as EPMV 16-20 dollars. Percentage of traffic by page has not changed. Geo has not changed. Your indicator shows that now there is no drawdown in advertisers. So it is some kind of technical error most likely. Maybe I've connected something wrong. Maybe something else is the reason? Can you please tell me where to look?

          Translated with (free version)

            We've had a publisher success manager reaching out to you today - check your email inbox for their message ๐Ÿ™‚

            We do want to point out that ePMV is not something that can be artificially inflated or reduced --- it's related to what advertisers are willing to bid for ad space on your site. By giving the system more potential ad locations like Ethan pointed out, you can help with making sure the system has enough locations to test and potentially earn you more as a result. We also need to point out that an 'average' of a time frame does include spikes like the one's you've seen occasionally. It can inflate the 'average' in that respect, and needs to be taken into account.

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