Let's give it another few hours for the nameserver change to be detected on our end - that should just allow things to kick in as needed.

  • Yon replied to this.

    Tucker_P_Ezoic Hey Tucker, NS have have been detected. But the ads.txt file was added automatically but not showing and the script was only added to specific pages so if you can mark that as done also? Greatly appreciated

      Yon Hey,

      In terms of the script, you need to add that to your site header which then automatically applies the script site wide. Looks like you actually need to create a header on React, and these two guides should run you through that:

      In terms of the ads.txt file, we cannot add that entirely automatically for script integrated sites. You need to add in a redirect so your ads.txt file points to the Ezoic ads.txt app - there is additional instructions in the dashboard on how to set up an ads.txt redirect

      • Yon replied to this.

        Ethan Hi Ethan, the script has been applied to the /blog directory and the ads.txt can be found in petfluence.co/ads.txt what else needs to be done?

          Yon Hi, the script would need to be on the site header, so that it is accessible on the entire site, rather than just the blog directory. The guide I sent above should run over how to add a header with react, or your host may be able to help with that.

          In terms of the ads.txt, you need to set up a redirect as I mentioned, because we dynamically load ads.txt files. The .htaccess redirect is probably the best option for you to set up. Here's a guide on that: https://www.semrush.com/blog/301-redirect-htaccess/

          • Yon replied to this.

            Ethan So I've done what you said. But now the ads will be showing on the whole site and I need them just on the /blog directory.

            • Yon replied to this.

              Yon Just got it fixed by adding them to the "DISABLE ADS BY PAGE"

              Last question. Are the ads appearing for you as they aren't being shown on my side?

                I currently do not. Did you change the header script for these pages? Or did you add any new rules to disable ads for these pages?

                • Yon replied to this.

                  Charlie No i did not. The header script is showing when I pull up the dev tools. Very weird.

                  • Yon replied to this.

                    Yon The url is /blog which they should be showing on

                      We've just re-run the placeholder generation.
                      Clear all caching for the site now, and you should start seeing ads over the next few hours.

                      • Yon replied to this.
                        5 days later

                        Tucker_P_Ezoic Seeing ads but very weird because on mobile it's showing on every page even though i added them to the disable ads by page section.

                          What pages are you trying to exclude exactly? Doing so would limit earnings potential, so we want to make sure that limitation is being used super carefully.

                          • Yon replied to this.

                            Tucker_P_Ezoic The home page and two directories /petfluencer /brands. The only content is on /blog and the other pages is for a web app.

                              Can you clear your cache? I am unable to recreate this after visiting those pages on a mobile device

                              • Yon replied to this.
                                5 days later

                                Charlie Will do but keep running into issues. The revenue dropped from 1.40 per day -> 0. Why?

                                  Yon Just assessing your analytics, the site is making less revenue on the days with less visitors. For example, from April 10th-13th you only had 20 or so visitors, whereas yesterday alone you had 75 visitors.

                                  If we're missing something let us know, but it seems revenue is lower just due to the smaller number of visitors you received the last few days.

                                    You are posting too frequently - please wait before posting again