Hi , please check my site ezoic ads place Holder Blank I have cleared all cookies and cache please nothing solve this issue please check

    I'm seeing ads in that location, not just a blank. It's possible for advertisers to adjust bids based on individual user profiles. This can then influence the fill rate.

    If you are seeing a formatting issue on a specific page, you can also the Ezoic Chrome extension to view placeholder settings. WP placeholders can be managed directly through your WordPress dashboard.

      We have not made any changes. Are you just seeing that on your phone? You may want to test on a different device (e.g. desktop). If it's that particular location only, that is a WP placeholder and you can manage it through your WordPress dashboard.

        Mohammad2306 i have checked all devices and different devices some ads placeholder showing but what is problem today traffic high but earning low that is problem for ads not showing proper it is all blog post same

          It's not clear what you are referring to specifically when you mention the problem today and high traffic.

          I am able to see ads on your site, including on mobile. Advertisers can adjust their bids, however, based on different user profiles and this can influence the fill rate.

            But in my mobile and desktop only showing placeholder ads not showing ads I have cleared all browser data and incognito also used. Can you tell me you have checked my site ads showing proper ads like all placeholder showing ads ya some loading time for showing please tell.
            Few days ago all things was ok but today I don't but why this problem showing

              Ads are not showing my placeholder why my earning & epmv both are down ![](https://)

                The change in earnings is likely due to other factors. There were changes in the ad revenue index around the end of the month (https://adrevenueindex.ezoic.com/). In addition, you made many changes to your overall ad configuration over the last couple of weeks. The system will need to reoptimize your ad placements.

                  How to re optimize my system because some times ads not showing and decrease epmv and earning

                    The system would be testing the current setup continuously as traffic to the site comes in. Otherwise, you'd need to audit using the chrome extension to ensure there are no placeholders in 'bad' locations that overlap content.
                    As Mohammad pointed out, there are several other factors that are coming into play causing lower revenue, including the changes you made and the start of a new fiscal quarter when ad rates drop.

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