Hi, I am opening this thread because a few days ago, I received an e-mail notification from Google AdSense regarding a problem with the IAB TC string on one or more of my sites or apps. I've attached screenshots of the errors I am seeing in my AdSense dashboard. Also, upon downloading the report, I notice that the error reported is 4.1, of which you will also find the attached screenshot.

In fact, I noticed that when my site performs a fallback from Ezoic to Google AdSense, no banners are shown.

How can I solve this problem? I have probably misconfigured the Ezoic cookie banner?

Thank you

    lunastorta Hey, we have seen this reported by a handful of publishers. Since the reports started (a few days ago) our Privacy team have pushed out a number of fixes. I noticed that you have said that you first noticed this a few days ago - if you head over to your AdSense account, are you able to verify if this is still being flagged as an issue?

      Also in response to 'In fact, I noticed that when my site performs a fallback from Ezoic to Google AdSense, no banners are shown.' - I can confirm the consent banner is 100% showing for me.

        Hi Imogen, thanks for your reply. I noticed the notifications a few days ago, and they are still there. I will await the work of your developers for this fix, as I am unable to take action myself.


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