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  • Where do i add the emote code snippet so it appears on all pages and posts?

I have this code <script defer src="https://i.emote.com/js/emote.js"></script>

of i add it to a post the comment section appears but how do I add the section to all posts and pages without adding the snippet manually to each page and post?

Thanks regards Dexter

    Dexterroona Hi Dexter, you'll need to add the snippet manually page by page. We don't currently have an option to add it site wide.

      Ok im not going to able to use it then as i have pushing 1000 pages on my site.

      Will there be an update?

        Is your site using wordpress by chance?
        There's a toggle via the plugin that would allow the emote system site-wide.
        Otherwise for the time being the snippet would need to be placed on all pages - it looks like some php functions / js insertion could make this possible, but we can't really advise on that sort of coding for the time being.

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