Hi Ezoic Team,

I've encountered an issue with the Humix floating video on mobile. Despite clearing the cache, the video continues to Float. Could you please assist with resolving this?

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      Ezoic Employee

    Float should be deactivated for you now 😃

      Please can you explain it? What you say

        • Staff Icon

          Ezoic Employee

        zaid We turned off the option for the video to float on mobile for you. Clear your cache and this should be resolved, but let us know if not.

          Not I Clear the cache but I still show

            • Staff Icon

              Ezoic Employee

            zaid Ah, I also see this on my end. I'll disable the Universal Player on mobile, that should now fix it. Let us know if not.

              Now i Not see the floating but the humix video show after image, can I add it below

                Okay I Disable Humix because i Think It break user experience
                Thanks For your Help

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                    Ezoic Employee

                  zaid As I mentioned, it is defintiely due to the Universal Player. I am confident that you just need to give the cache some time to clear and for the change to reflect on your site.

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