• Settings
  • Disabling top-of-page header ad temporarily across website

Please check my screenshot, i want to disable top of the page ad on the header for a while, and want to enable it after few months. How to diable this ad all over website?

    Moheimen Is this still an issue? It looks like you have already used the Ad Configuration page to block placeholder 900.

      9 days later

      Moheimen Sorry to hear you want to pause all ads, can we ask why you want to do that?

        i am testing some content changes and google ranking, will activate all ads again.

          Just so you are aware, if you are making content changes, you do not have to deactivate the ads. The system can automatically adjust to new content with AI placeholders. Either way, if you just want to adjust ad density, you can do that easily through your publisher dashboard. For example, you can restrict the number of ads per page (-> Ezoic Ads -> Ad Restrictions -> Max Ads per Page) or disable ads above the fold (-> LEAP -> Optimize -> Script Execution -> Advanced Settings -> Disable Ads Above the Fold).

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