How to enable mediation earning ?
Enabling mediation earning on Ezoic platform
Ezoic Employee
shahzaib6546 Hi, you've linked your AdSense account to Ezoic, all you need to do now is add your AdSense credentials for mediation.
Once you add those you're good to go, don't be concerned if mediation earnings remain zero or if mediation remains 'pending' - this is not unexpected.

Hi I am trying to set up mediation. I got the email from Google AdSense, went to Account, Access and Authorization, Third Parties, but Ezoic does not show up as a Third Party. I tried all the suggestions through the Ezoic Help Chat Bot (different browser, redoing it, etc.) but still can't get it to work. Please help.

Ezoic Employee
gabysilvercurls I'm not seeing that you accepted it. Do you have multiple Google accounts? Can you log out of all your acocunts, clear your browser cache and cookies and then try again?