• EzoicAds
  • Optimizing Ad Placement for User Experience and Revenue Balance on Ezoic


I am on EZOIC for quite sometime now and testing different settings and ways to improve my site's user experience and over all earnings. To find best way to balance both. To be clear my goal is not just money but more to user experience.

My Site is DNS integrated but also have ezoic plugin installed. I have set ezoicads optimization goal to "user experienced focus".

EZOIC AI showing lots of ads on content pages especially ads every after 2 paragraphs.

All I want is
1 ad after title
2 ads in between contents
1 ad at the bottom where content ends.

Thant's all I want to show. I will rather increase articles and drive more traffic to generate revenue.

How can I do that?
Am I missing something, what your experience says?
Is my strategy right?

I need your suggestion and feedback to fix my strategy.


    Limiting the areas to such a degree is not advised - allowing the system to determine your users threshold for how many ads and in what locations is recommended, and by setting to user experience focused it will automatically find those thresholds for you. We strongly advise against making manual restrictions based on perceived user experience vs. allowing ai machine learning to do this based on actual user visits to the site and their behaviors.

    That being said, you're able to control your ad placements at all times, including exclusion areas and insertion points.
    You will not be able to force an ad to show in an exact location on every visit, but you can limit the areas of a page / site where ads will be able to potentially show to a visitor. https://pubdash.ezoic.com/ezoicads/adconfiguration

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