the some also with my other site , a week ago everything work fine but now no work , i think the problem in humix , as also my earning from sharing videos drop from 20$ to 0$ , something stronge happen here
oussama00 I have taken a look at this site and it looks like you have switched off each of these videos from being shared on Humix. Would you like your videos to be shared so that other Publishers can have them on their site?
you can also see this problem
oussama00 Please can you send me the URL of this page and I can then look into this for you. thank you
i didn't change anything i didn't switch them off
oussama00 I have switched on each of the videos for you so that they are shared on Humix again. Please check back in with your Humix data in 48 hours time to check that this has resolved the issue for you.
and for the url :
oussama00 I have taken a look at the page you have kindly shared and can see that there is already a video within that page and so the AI wont be able to add another one into the page. many thanks
1-so for shared video problem fixed if yes can you check my other sites if everything oki
2-and for humix video i will ask my friends maybe the problem in my computer 3-can i make the video float to the top the moment when visitor visit my site event if he didn't scroll down.
oussama00 Please can you let me know what your concerns are for each of your sites that you have mentioned and I can then take a look at these for you?
oussama00 It isn't possible to make the video float until the reader has scrolled past it.
if sharing video is activated or no
oussama00 Ah I see, thank you for clarifying, sure no problem that has been checked for you and the videos that were switched off have been switched on again for you.
oki thx , can you keep this discution open tocheck after 48h is huming sharing video work again in
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