buddytribe Is it on a specific URL or all? I am having a hard time seeing what ad it is in this picture.
Saquib_Shaikh I can't get the video to play for some reason.
buddytribe Did you see my question?
krivera yes, it's strange. I go to delete an ad placement, but it gives me an error.. then it looks as if the ad was actually removed.
Here's an ad placement I'm trying to get rid of.. https://prnt.sc/Zwt4M1xTSXgd This is on www.buddytribe.com/register/ When I go to access my placeholders, and click here https://prnt.sc/4bEgrp10qbAR then it gives me this error https://prnt.sc/_6-5ByTj738_
buddytribe Thanks for providing that information! Is it only on this URL that you see this happening? Or is it all URLs that are having the issue with this placeholder?
well, that particular problem is only on that URL, however, I never remember setting that placeholder so it may be on other pages too but right this second, I don't see any ads displayed. Strange.
buddytribe Can you send me the URL?
www.buddytribe.com/register/ Thanks!
buddytribe Okay, I was able to get that ad removed! Can you confirm that you see this as well?
krivera awesome. Yes, it's gone. Thank you!
buddytribe Yay! I am happy to hear.