Niche additiveAI

I´ve "optimized" this url and instead of getting a better result, as you can see, the page is totally broken.
I would like to remove all the "optimization" and I can´t do it (at least, I haven´t found the way to do it).

The page has nothing to see with the original I have in my WP dashboard.

Please help, it´s my main page in my site and it looks terrible.

Thanks a lot

    Alex2011 Hi there! You can edit or remove any changes made by Additive AI by navigating to NicheIQ > Additive AI > Edited Pages then find the necessary page and click the three dots on the right-hand side for that entry to edit the changes.

      Coley Hi

      I´ve followed your instructions and nothing. The system does not allow me to delete or remove anything.
      When I click Edited pages, I choose the page and then the system shows me: 2 Choose a mode, and AI Editor.
      In both cases I can´t edit of modify the text.
      Please help.

        The pen icon on the right corner, is not operative, and the text in the below part, does not allow me to delete or edit anything.

          Can you use the 'report a bug' feature of the Additive AI feature so that the proper team get's flagged on the back end with the specifics of the issue you're facing.
          From there, we can relay to that team as well and they'll be able to lookup your report and see things from their end rather than just relaying that information which might cause confusion / delays.

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