I'm having lots of trouble setting up Humix correctly. Is there a way to reset the settings, or is it possible that someone could take a look? I just want to let Ezoic place AI ads and placeholder on the site.
Help with Humix Placeholders
Ezoic Employee
Hi there, Looks like there are a few steps required before we can start serving videos through Humix. You'll first need to integrate your site with Ezoic so we can review it. Looks like the site is an empty wordpress site at the moment, so if you're working in a staging environment, or have your site ready on a backup, then you'll need to set that live. Once integrated with Ezoic and approved, then we can go through the process of getting ads and humix videos configured!
Hello, I'm reaching out about Wedistry.com. I have a couple of sites that I'm still working on getting ready for approval but I just wanted to get this main site configured for now.
Ezoic Employee
aaronlee Hi there, I can see you have AI video locations setup on the site, and I'm seeing videos auto-inserting for example here https://www.wedistry.com/mens-wedding-guest-suits-you-will-love-for-2023/ and on your homepage.
You can remove the non-AI locations if you'd like from Humix - site - video locations.
But overall your setup looks good to go!
Great, thanks so much!
Hi, I had another question about this. I have added some more uploads and it says that I have 171 total in the Humix overview but only 139 in my channel. How do I ensure that all videos in my library are represented both in AI placement on my page and in the network to be shared on other sites?
Ezoic Employee
aaronlee On your channel in Humix, you'll just need to make sure that all of your uploads are checked to be shared on Humix. There is a toggle switch on each video that allows you to do this.

I'm making the transition to the universal placeholders. Does that mean that I can remove all of the humix links that I've embedded into articles?
Ezoic Employee
The Universal player will just replace the humix links that you've added on your site. There's no need to remove them. If you want to remove them then you can do so and the universal player will show ads on your pages regardless.