Ezoic Employee
iqbaluddin Your settings are correct and you are sending 100% to Ezoic. Nothing to worry about but I will see why that is flashing for you when loading dashboard.
iqbaluddin Your settings are correct and you are sending 100% to Ezoic. Nothing to worry about but I will see why that is flashing for you when loading dashboard.
When i checked the site with a developer, he was saying that ads have not placed in suitable places and not responsive ads setup properly and ads sizes are not good. Now i am a new bie i don't know that the how to ads setup in suitable places. Please guide me for proper setting of ads in site.
Can you do it for me for properly setting of ads in my site.
You have auto-ads enabled on your site, so they are already working. If you want to restrict them in some way, you can easily do that through your publisher dashboard: Ezoic Ads -> Ad Configuration / Ad Restrictions.
Hope you are doing well. Ezoic ads are not seeing properly in my website neither in Home page nor in articles only showing ezoic logo rest space of ads are showing blank. Two or three Google AdSense ads are showing regularly. Screenshot is attached. Please help me to resolve this issue.
iqbaluddin I'm not able to recreate on my end, ads load fine and pretty instantly. Are you accessing the site with a VPN and where are you based? These factors can impact how ads are displayed.
No i am not using any VPN with my site and I am from Pakistan. I was checked the site with different browsers but same issue was facing. So, due to the confusion i contacted. If Ads are seeing properly at your end then ok. The issue is at my side. Thanks for your cooperation.
You definitely seem to be registering users and revenue in your region so it definitely suggests to be a local issue. If you need anything else please do get in touch.
Hope you are doing well. In Google Search Console under "Crowled -Currently not Indexed" lot of Ezoic Ads Javascrift URLs are showing, which is above 400 and increasing dy by day. I couldn't understand and nor resolve them. Please check if create at your end please fix the issues. I have attached screenshot for you necessary action.
iqbaluddin Hi, Google is in this instance crawling the Ezoic ad and tracking scripts. In other words, Google is acknowledging the pages exist but won't show in search results. This won't negatively affect SEO, but if this does concern you, edit the robots.txt file and add the following code:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /detroitchicago/
Ethan Hi, I am facing this issue. My ads are not showing not even the logo. What is the solution?
ZahidJuttSansi We've answered this query elsewhere: https://community.ezoic.com/d/38065-placeholders-are-not-generated/4
Please keep questions to a single thread.