Dear Concerned,
Hope you are doing well. Ezoic ads are not showing either in home page or in artiles, only showing Ezoic icon . Please check and guide. Screenshot attached.

    There are a number of reasons why Ezoic ads may not be showing up on your site. Here are a few things that you can check to ensure that everything has been set up correctly:

    **1. Is your site integrated and is Ezoic turned on? Make sure that you have completed the integration process and that Ezoic is enabled on your site. You can check your integration status here :

    **2. Has your domain been approved for Ad Manager MCM (Multiple Customer Management)? We need all domains to be approved by Ad Manager MCM in order to start showing ads. You can find out the status of your review from your Ezoic dashboard here:

    **3. Have you cleared your browser cache? Sometimes, clearing your browser cache can help resolve any ad display issues.

    **4. Has your ads.txt file been setup to include Ezoic’s sellers? You can run your ads.txt file through our validator, which will let you know if there are any changes needed. You can find the validator here:

    **5. (For GDPR / CCPA affected regions) have you set up consent management? If you’re accessing your site from a region affected by personal data regulations like GDPR, you’ll need to set up our consent management app for ads to show. You can check that it’s been activated here:
    Hope this helps!

      I have integrated website with ezoic last seven months ago and ads was showing properly but from few days ago this issue is showing. I cannot understand.

        iqbaluddin I'm seeing ads my end (screenshot below) as well as ad impressions on our servers. It's common for web owners to see blank ads since your behavior on the site is not typical of a normal user. Can you try clearing your cache and cookies

          I have cleared browser cache and cookies few minutes ago but after that opened a blog showing ads only on top and bottom of the blog and still not showing ads in body and side bar of the blog.

            Some of the ads are collapsing (which will happen for viewability issues), but in general we're seeing ads all throughout the content of the blogs with no issues.
            There's also no indication in the analytics that visitors are having issues seeing ads.

              Some days ago all the ads was properly seeing in home page and the content of the blog. But two or three days ago this issue is seeing due to this i think visitors are gradually decreasing and revenue according. I have checked again today but still issue is facing.


                But why I am not seeing ezoic ads in blog. When I open blog there is not seeing any ads. Screenshots are attached.

                  iqbaluddin I am able to recreate this, some placeholders are only showing the Ezoic logo. This will occur when there's not enough demand for your ad inventory and therefore the ads can't fill. That said, most of the placeholders are filling with ads on my end on the articles. To improve ad demand you'll want to work on SEO so you can grow your organic traffic, which'll make advertisers more likely to bid for your ad inventory.

                    21 days later

                    Hello, hope you are doing well. I work on SEO and organic traffic is now gradually increasing. Ads was showing properly few months ago but suddenly disappear. How earning will increase while ads are not seeing throughout the content of the blog. Kindly check at your end. Are the ads seeing properly. This time i opened my blog but there is no single ad is seeing. Neither in home page nor in post. Please

                      You're still continuing to earn revenue whilst you're building your organic traffic. You're currently getting ads serving on your site. It'll improve as your organic traffic improves - to confirm, I'm seeing ads serving on your site myself:

                        I think browser issue at my end, i have seen seeing only ezoic icon in blog. Screenshot attached.

                          iqbaluddin Do you mean you are not seeing any ads at all on your site? You may want to check if you have an ad blocker enabled. Try clearing the cache and enable default settings on your browser. That being said, we have confirmed that ads are still shown to visitors normally. You can also verify this in your analytics and earnings report. Without ads, you would not be earning ad revenue.

                            3 months later

                            Hope you are doing well. When i open my Ezoic dashboard a text speedly appreaing showing that "Ads are not working? Turn on Ezoic traffic here" and speedly disappear. What does means? There is no any option available to turn on traffic. How i turn on the traffic? I couldn't understand. Please guide me to solve this issue. I took a pic through my cell phone and attached.

                            • Jan replied to this.

                              iqbaluddin Your settings are correct and you are sending 100% to Ezoic. Nothing to worry about but I will see why that is flashing for you when loading dashboard.

                                When i checked the site with a developer, he was saying that ads have not placed in suitable places and not responsive ads setup properly and ads sizes are not good. Now i am a new bie i don't know that the how to ads setup in suitable places. Please guide me for proper setting of ads in site.

                                  Can you do it for me for properly setting of ads in my site.

                                    You have auto-ads enabled on your site, so they are already working. If you want to restrict them in some way, you can easily do that through your publisher dashboard: Ezoic Ads -> Ad Configuration / Ad Restrictions.

                                      a month later

                                      Hope you are doing well. Ezoic ads are not seeing properly in my website neither in Home page nor in articles only showing ezoic logo rest space of ads are showing blank. Two or three Google AdSense ads are showing regularly. Screenshot is attached. Please help me to resolve this issue.