I had a minor change with my domain provider, so I had to refresh the nameserver data. This led already to a more than 24h non-integration, due to the DNS cache problems, which are not really in the reach of Ezoic. I understand that.
But now I did re-integrate my site with Ezoic successfully, and the site itself is back to a working state. Nonetheless, the Interface is telling me, that I am now at a 75% done state, and that an Ezoic employee has to manually check my site, if it is compliant with the Ezoic requirements. No ads, no income, no LEAP, and maybe even more problems with google-bots, etc.
The site was already working with Ezoic for several years. It was just a little DNS change, nothing else did change.
A) Could someone check my site and re-activate it, please?
B) There is an inconsistency between the text stated in the Dashboard, which tells it can be up to 3 working days till the check is done manually and the AI-Bot, who tells me it is normal that it lasts 10 days or more.
C) Maybe think about an automated process, that could speed up these checks, if the site was already integrated before, so no additional check is required in such a situation. That way you could avoid unnecessary support tasks and also avoid income loss for site owners.
D) The Text-Chat Bot input window has a weird white box covering about 20% of the input box (in FireFox), which makes it very uncomfortable to enter text and ask questions to the support bot. See here: < image.png >
I better do not start to discuss the low quality of helpfulness, that this bot is able to offer. But that is with most AI-Bots, lots of text, not much helpful content.