Do you have some sort of firewall setup on the site via a plugin or at the host?
We're not able to navigate the site through the proxy right now - we're being met with a message you can see below:

(The ads.txt appears correct right now).

    Currently no security plugin is active that can cause this

      Can you ask your host please?
      There is definitely something that's blocking access to the site - that security messaging wouldn't show otherwise.

        My host responded:

        We would like to inform you that this issue has not been reproduced on our end. It can be seen if we send 20-30 requests to the site for the minute. In general, this is the standard limit set in our system.

        Based on the above, your website has been successfully whitelisted in our Anti-DDoS system. Please check your site performance and let us know if the issue has been resolved.

          I have had the same issue before, ezoic team fixed it by saying: "We just made a change on the backend, clear the cache and you should be good to go!"

            Santeri You've now removed Ezoic nameservers but the site is down with a time out error. What changes have you made to the site that would cause this to occur? Have you tried resolving this with your host?

              Integration is done using the ezoic plugin.

              There were two A DNS records in the ezoic, is it ok or can cause problems?

              Changed the CNAME www record from to

                Santeri The site is now live and running through Ezoic's proxy. Ads are also filling however they are charity ads. Your ads.txt looks to be configured correctly, do you have any outstanding issues with Google /AdSense?

                  No, I have no issues with Google /AdSense, ads are not filling, the placeholders are empty.

                    Would you mind sending us your adsense pub ID and email address just so we can verify on our end. It'll help us get to the bottom of why we're not seeing ads filling!

                      Ads still not showing up, can you please check with the ezoic technical team?

                        You are posting too frequently - please wait before posting again