Dear Community,

since a week or so (actually since the moment I touched a bit the Ezoic browser plugin setup) I am not able to view the page JS when I'm logged as Admin; if you surf the page you will noticed that instead of the empty data that u can see in the screenshot, there should be some text and values which is actually being blocked for some reason; it is a bit disappointing as I have to surf in private mode everytime, also when previewing the page as admin because the JS is blocked even in preview mode. [Leap cache is ON, Speed optimization is OFF]

    vinman90 Do you have any security plugins / features enabled on the site? Can you send over a list of your current active plugins so that we can check? And just to confirm, you are only seeing the issue with the missing data whne you are logged in to the site as an admin?


      Dear Imogen, thank you for the reply.

      Here is the list of the current installed plugin (some are not active). I confirm that i see the issue only when logged in as admin (and from different PCs so it should be website-side issue).

        We saw an Ad Inserter plugin. Can you clarify? What are you using it for currently? Aren't you using the Ezoic WordPress plugin to insert ad placeholders? Can you update the Ezoic WP plugin and disable the Ad Inserter plugin if it's not used?

        With respect to security plugins, is the problem still present when you turn off WPS Hide Login temporarily?


          That Ad Insterter plugin was used by the previous owner, as you can see from the screenshot it is actually de-activated. Since I'm not using it I removed it.

          Yes I'm using Ezoic WP Plugin, generally speaking I just almost left everything handled by automatic insertion.

          Also WPS Hide Login has been used by the previous owner and it is at the moment de-activated. I can go on and remove it completely if you think it can somehow help, but it has always been not active, even previously.


            I have tried removing that, nothing changed. I can add some information:

            the issue does not happen using Mozilla (Actually i do not have ezoic plug in there)

            the issue still happens by disabling all the plug-in(s)

              Have you tried uninstalling the Chrome extension and reinstalling it? Can you also reset your browser to default settings?


                I have tried it on another device with a new chrome (clean) installation and it seems working, so I guess its a problem of mine.

                Thanks for the support guys.

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