
We have been playing around with ad placements, and now we cannot seem to get any more ads on our homepage. When I use the chrome extension to create ads or identity AI banners it says 'Cannot use extension on excluded pages, click here for possible fixes if page are not exluded.

The page isn't excluded and I have tried the suggestions on what the support articles says.

Can you please advise? We need ads on our homepage

    Cherida Hey, I have no issues activating the chrome extension on your homepage. Can you try clearing out your cache? I will say that you do have a range of ad types on your homepage right now, and from what I can see, there isn't too much room to add more. You're also using a couple of our automatic ad placement services such as AI ads and the placement service, and your setup is looking pretty optimized to me.

      9 days later

      Hi Imogen, thanks can you also tell me why some days we get more views but our revenue is less? This seems to be a re-occuring theme. Also, our Cache miss rate is 39% which is quite high, how we do change this? I had to remove ezoic from word press because it was causing our site to be very slow, since moving to cloud fare it has been much faster, but have noticed the cache miss rate to be higher. What does it mean, having a high cache hit rate? Thanks !

        This is our cache miss rate

          Your revenue will vary from day to day as how much you earn can be based on so many factors. What I would recommend is tracking your revenue over a period of weeks and you should see gradual improvement. Our system uses AI to optimize your site, but to do so it needs data (which takes time) to make decisions. Also keep in mind that reporting for Tuesday won't update for another couple of hours, so no cause for concern there.
          Cache hit rate is generally not too bad for a smaller site, but if you want to improve it further then I'd recommend increasing your grace period to maybe 12 or 24 hrs. It'll up your cache hits on pages that aren't visited too often

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