Hi, Ezoic Team
Actually I want to minimize the size of standard video ad just like it shows on universal player ad is it possible. I don't want to turn on universal player.
Standard Video Ad Size
Ezoic Employee
Saquib_Shaikh Hey, we highly advise against disabling this ad type.On average, on pages where it shows, you can expect to see a 60% revenue uplift. Is there a particular reason you want to disable it?
Actually I just wanted to reduce the standard video ad size it is very large. Is it possible
Ezoic Employee
Saquib_Shaikh Ah okay, you only have our floating video ad enabled and the size of this cannot be changed. Do you have a screenshot of the ad please? It's pretty small in size so I'm surprised to hear you think it's too big.
Please can you also disable whatever third party CMP you have enabled on the site? You are using Ezoic's so there's no need to have two, this can sometimes show no CMP to show and impact ads showing.