I have disabled vignettes and anchor ads from my website. But I still see them on my website. Can anyone please help me with this?
I have disabled vignettes and anchor ads from my website. But I still see them on my website. Can anyone please help me with this?
They still seem to be enabled in your dashboard. You can log in and go to these pages to update the settings.
Vignette and Anchor Ads
Mohammad2306 I disabled them from the Google adsense portal. I didn't disable them from Ezoic portal.
Does Google Adsense not apply to my site if I have ezoic enabled too?
@Mohammad2306 I also want to know if I can see breakdown of my earning according to different parameters like ad format, ad unit, ad network, country, page Url in Ezoic? Same as we can see in Google adsense
@herbetterspace - you'll still need to make these changes at Ezoic, as they're separate ad platforms to Ezoic.
Some of these reports exist and are available as part of Ezoic premium, but are not available as standard. Because Ezoic varies ad locations/sizes etc etc, we don't tend to find that these reports are that valuable. I.e. a 728x60 ad may garner better revenue for one user but worse for another when compared to a 300x250, so Ezoic will vary what ad is shown on the page based on this. As a result, checking which is the 'best' ad size doesn't make sense, as it can vary from user to user.
I want to disable my Ezoic ads for some time and just want Google AdSense should show them. What shall I do for this?
Sorry to hear that - is there something that we're able to help with here?
You can turn the percentage of traffic that you send to Ezoic down in the split testing section of your dashboard https://pubdash.ezoic.com/ezoicads/splittesting/testsetup