Is there any way to check which ad types and which ad positions are performing better ?
Secondly I see there are ad types names mentioned in ezoic ad types but I am confused about which ads refer to which types? Like is there any sample for each domain type which will help to understand ad types.
Ad types guide and performance
Ezoic Employee
Asimnawaz Sure, go to Big Data Analytics > yield > ad location:
You can see how each ad type performs and it gives you the specific name e.g. sidebar, rather than a numeric ID.
Ethan I want to stop these ads. How can I do that?

Also one more this please. These all ads are showing no earnings at all. Is it a bug or something missing as there are ads with impressions and clicks as well ?

Ezoic Employee
We'd advise against this kind of 'manual' intervention on your part in regards to ad locations and deleting / disabling them.
The system is constantly testing different ad locations, sizes, combinations, etc. and deciding which are helping UX and rev and showing them more consistently, and which are not generating better rev / UX and not showing them as frequently.
There's really no need to do anything manually as you're suggesting, and it can actually significantly hurt potential revenue to remove them from testing.
These all ads are showing no earnings at all. Is it a bug or something missing as there are ads with impressions and clicks as well ?

Ezoic Employee
Asimnawaz I don't see any revenue or RPM data for any placeholder on your site currently. However, we know the ads are earning you revenue because there's reporting for revenue on a daily basis in your dashboard:
There's also revenue and EPMV data elsewhere in Big Data Analytics:
The reason you're not seeing revenue in yield data is that we can only produce accurate reporting on individual placeholders and their performance when you earn $10+ per day. As a result the site would need to grow in order for you to see yield data on a daily basis.
Some of my webpages are getting messed up format when ads are shown up. Sidebars are messing up. Table of content is messing up. If ads are turned off then the page format is fine but with ads, its all messing up badly.

Ezoic Employee
You can remove ads from certain ad positions by using exclusion filters.
Mohammad2306 How do I know which ad is messing the layout as there are alot of ad types?
Ezoic Employee
Asimnawaz Are you still experiencing this? I'm not able to recreate any ads breaking the layout. If you are seeing issues with the layout, you can activate the Chrome Extension which'll then show you the placeholder name/ID. Next, you can use the guide Mohammad sent to then exclude the specific placeholder from displaying on your site.
Let us know if you have further questions