If that is the case then help me remove them all. But in a nutshell, knowing how to add another ad.txt file to my website would have helped me incase I want to add a different ad network to work with Ezoic.

If you can check from your end then I believe you can remove them from your end for me. Kindly remove them for me.

Separate note: I would be very exited if you can help teach me how to add different ad.txt file. thanks for your assistance and support.

    This field was purchased 4 months ago, and when the Ezoic tie became like this, it has not been tied on my side. Please fix this problem maluomat.com

      Boateng45 Each site will only have a single ads.txt file, why are you trying to create a new/alternative ads.txt file? Additionally, what is it exactly you're trying to achieve by adding new entries to the ads.txt file? If we understand a little better what you're trying to work toward we should be able to provide better advice


        Thanks Ethan, you are willing to help me but I am not just trying to add new entries. It seems almost every person who tried to assist me failed to teach how or give me the exact answer I wanted.

        My question was, is there any way to add another ad network to work with ezoic on my website. This is I want two revenue channel to make the most out of my website. It seems when you are working with ezoic, the only ad network that can be added is adsense right?

        If no then I want you to teach me how to add another ad txt file because the ad network I want to add requires me to add their ad.txt file because their ads can start showing.

        But I am finding it difficult to add another ad.txt file because my ad.txt file is already controlled by ezoic, and I don't know how to add another one.

        That is all what I want. Your message confused me by saying, "A website can have only one ad.txt file". Then how is it possible to add adsense to ezoic?

          You can add entries to the ads.txt file - we've provided you with instruction on how to do that twice.

          If you want another ad service to 'run' alongside Ezoic, the only options are to either use Mediation (https://support.ezoic.com/kb/article/google-adsense-and-the-mediation-app --- it's the same instructions for any other ad network) - or to split your traffic.
          Splitting traffic is not advised, but if you're trying to 'test' running a non-Ezoic setup that would allow some of your traffic to reach non-Ezoic pages.

            Yeah thanks for your help. In mediation, the only ad network I saw and could add was adsense, apart from that there was no other way to add any different ad network. So I think I have to forget but I have one question.

            Recently my ezoic revenue has decreased, even a traffic of 2K or more than used to give me 5, 4, 2 and dollar is giving me a maximum of 0.5 cents.
            I have done any ezoic optimization I think it's better but not increasing.

            When I checked my website, I saw that most of the ads were not showing (Especially the in article ads). It's only video ads that kept on showing constantly. Please what has resulted to this and how can I fix it?

              I'm seeing quite a few instances of charity ads showing on your site, which is usually because advertisers don't want to bid on your inventory. Unfortunately there isn't too much that we're able to do about this, but ads are definitely serving to your pages.

              Are you using a VPN by any chance? this can sometimes prevent you from seeing ads on your site.

                When I check with laptop, ads show fine but on mobile sometimes it vanishes after some seconds and only video ads will be there. Some days ago, I added some entries in the view of adding another ad network ad.txt file but unfortunately that was wrong as one ezoic member said I can't add another ad.txt file to ezoic own. But the entries are still there as I don't know how to remove them, can you show me the way to remove or just remove it from your end for me?

                  That was in reference to unwrapped ad code, not the Ads.txt entry specifically. It is possible to remove the Ads.txt entries you added if you are not using the third-party ad service after all. You can search for them with the Ads.txt app and click on X to remove them.

                    a month later

                    I switched off ezoic ads recently to revamp my website. I switched it on last 3 days and it is surprising that I have gotten over 1k visitors daily but the highest money I got was $0.43. can anyone experienced enough analyze my dashboard or website and suggest any recommendation to help me increase my revenue?

                    I am getting frustrated and being tempted of removing ezoic ads entirely because it seems like once you are access now program, you get stuck because the ads don't show regularly but my website keep growing daily and I am losing a lot of revenue.

                    I need help please

                      Keep in mind what you are seeing is not necessarily the same for everyone else. I'm seeing lots of ads on your site. That said, advertisers can adjust their bids based on visitor profiles and other information. This can influence the fill rate as well.

                      Looking at your analytics, there seem to be a couple of factors to consider. The average engaged time per visit is 13 seconds. For many sites this metric is much longer. Your traffic also seems to be geographically concentrated. Although your general topic is international, you seem to be mainly getting traffic from one country. Compared with other sites, you have much a lower percentage of US traffic, which would otherwise pay above average. You may want to revisit your content strategy.

                      With Ezoic, you have access to to video tools like Flickify/Humix as well as NicheIQ for SEO, which you should take advantage of for your site. These tools can help you improve visitor engagement and gain more quality traffic.


                        yes what you are saying is true, there are ads everywhere. Perhaps you checked it on computer. When you check it on phone, it is completely different. on phone, the ads vanishes within some minutes.

                          I'm seeing ads on mobile too. Do you mean the problem only happens on mobile after several minutes? That could just be because ad demand dropped off on later pageviews. When you stay on the same page, the ads also refresh. The advertisers can adjust their bids based on your visitor profile.

                            12 days later

                            Hi please thanks for your assistance.
                            Now I have seen the problem. I have huge social media following and most of my traffic comes from social media platforms, especially Facebook. But when you visit my website through Facebook, all the ads will suddenly vanish leaving only the native ads. But when you visit my website on chrome or any other browser, you will see all the ads fully showing. I don't know exactly why this is happening and I am losing out on a lot of money.

                            Can you suggest any settings for me to do or just look at my dashboard and see if something is actually wrong.

                              Boateng45 There are certainly no settings on our end that would cause less ads to show to Facebook visitors - can you send your Facebook page so we can look into this for you and try recreate the issue?

                              Also, can you double check you're not using an in-browser VPN? Those can also lead to issues with ads showing, so may also explain the issue you're having here with ads not showing.

                                The above is the link to my Facebook page, well I have additional 2 with more than 60K followers but the groups of 110K followers each. But this one is having the name of my website. So I get a lot of traffic from Facebook.

                                The issue is, when you visit my website from Facebook, you won't see a single ad with the exception of the video and native ads.

                                You can check the post below, they went viral some days and had a lot of visitors according to Google analytics but the amount I got from ezoic ads were not more than 0.8$. It was later that I realized that the ads do vanish when a visitor visits my website.

                                At first the ads were showing a little bit but now it doesn't at all. I have done thorough investigation and I am not using any VPN too.

                                  Boateng45 I'm seeing ads perfectly when accessing the site through Facebook, is this issue only occurring on certain Facebook links or all of the links on your end? Reason I ask is because you sent us screenshots showing two posts from a few days ago rather than your more recent posts. I'm even seeing ads on the article shown in your screenshot (see below).

                                  it is worth pointing out that advertisers won't always bid for inventory on sites with lower quality traffic. The traffic spikes you saw weren't of the highest quality, which will help explain why you didn't see a vast improvement to revenue with the traffic spike.

                                    The issue is happening with all the links on Facebook. Please visit the links through mobile on because I also see ads when I visit the links on desktop.

                                    Ads showing only on desktop is also a problem for me because 80% of my traffic comes from mobile users from Facebook.

                                    Even if there is a country traffic issue, (the traffic is coming from tier 3 country) there should be at least 1 or 2 display ads but there's none when I visit it through mobile.

                                    When I visit my website, the ads will be loading with space left over there but within seconds, the space closes up and the website becomes normal with absolutely no single display ads.

                                      Boateng45 Mobile looks good to me too.

                                      it is worth bearing in mind that mobile visits do tend to earn less than desktop and your user engagement times are typically no more than 15 seconds on average each day.

                                      That said, are you suggesting the ads are loading blank for a second and then collapsing? This typically occurs when a publisher has issues with Google e.g. an AdSense disablement, is that something which might apply to yourself?

                                        Thanks Ethan, you are always available to help and always good. May God bless you for that.

                                        I did a screenshot video and I will leave a link below for you to watch it and understand better. If indeed it is happening on my end only then I should be making money like before because I get visitors from about 12 different countries every day but that isn't the case. I have used different devices to check but same results here. So I'm surprise that you always see ads.

                                        Thank you very much for your time, you can watch the video below.
