Imogen hi, unfortunately, when I visit the page with the URL you provided on my mobile phone, I can still see the ads in those two in-content placeholds varying in width even though they shouldn't. The width of the grey box remains consistent, but the ads shows within it sometimes match the width of the box (expected behavior), sometimes they exceed the box by about 10% on each side, and sometimes they cover the whole width of the screen completely ignoring the boundaries of the box. So, in essence the experience with ?nocache at the end is not different from what I showcased in the screenshots in my previous message.
Placeholders ignoring sizing settings
Ezoic Employee
I've changed some settings within our backend which should stop other sizes from serving in this location. Make sure you clear your browser cache and cookies and let us know how things are looking
HarryB Hi Harry, unfortunately, the changes you made don't seem to have had any effect. The only caching I use comes from LEAP on Ezoic, I cleared that URL's cache in LEAP, then I visited the page to check how ads are displayed in those in-content placeholders. I refreshed the page over 5 times, both with the regular URL as well as with "?nocache" appended at the end. No effect, i.e. I can still see ads exceeding the boundaries of the grey box. It's strange but it looks like the second in-content placeholder tends to keep the ad within the boundaries of the box more frequently than the first one does, but they both show ads spanning beyond the box from time to time. What else can I do to establish control over what ad formats are shown in those placeholders?
Imogen Hi Imogen, unfortunately, it doesn't seem to have any effect. Please see the screenshot I took just now. I cleared the cache in the LEAP from that url, then I reload the page about 5 times on both my phone and PC. Sometimes it works, sometimes it faits. Is it just me who struggles with this?
Imogen hi Imogen, I tried, for both in-content placeholders, and it doesn't work. It doesn't save my settings after I click Save. As you can see in the screenshot you posted, the setup that I created using the browser extension only turns off the ad format (first column), but doesn't reflect the settings I put for Device (second column). When I try to set this up in the backend, in EzoicAds - > Placeholders, for example for Square (250x250) ad type I'd remove the ticks from all device taps and click Save. If I open the placeholder settings after that, the ticks are back. I also tried ticking the ad type box and unticking device taps, then it saves the settings. But if I go back to remove the tick from the ad type box (first column) after that and click Save again, it removes the tick from the first column but immediately brings back the ticks on Device types (second column). So, it's basically out of control. Could you please advise?
Ezoic Employee
Manu123 Okay, if you do not have the ad size ticked in the first column, the second column does not matter. My point from that screenshot was that you have a medium rectangle (300x250) placeholder enabled for desktop, whereas you initially said you only wanted: Billboard - 970x250 and Large leader - 970x90 on desktop. When checking EzoicAds, I am seeing alternative sizes enabled
Ezoic Employee
I've edited that ad size in EzoicAds and my changes have been saved, can you clear out your browser cache, reaccess the dashboard and see if it allows you to edit the placeholder sizes? You only need to edit the placeholders sizes that have been ticked
Ezoic Employee
Manu123 I've had an other conversation with a member of our tech team who believe the issue might be taking place on mobile. Please can you update the sizes for desktop and mobile and let me know once this is complete so that I can take a look with the team? We've seen reports of this issue taking place on mobile devices, but not on desktop.
Imogen Hi Imogen, tbh, I don't know how you got to see the medium rectangle being activated for Desktop. It's definitely not what I wanted there, and I'm pretty sure that after "fighting" with this for a month now I've checked multiple times to make sure the settings are exactly as I want them. So, you are right, I didn't want that format on desktop, and now when I'm looking at it in EzoicAds it's not activated for Desktop. Maybe you deactivated it. If it's activated when you view it, but not activated when I do, then I don't know what might be causing it. I cleared the cache of my browser, and tried editing the placeholders in EzoicAds, I still can only edit boxes for devices on those formats that have a tick in the first column. If I make any changed in the second column on formats that are unticked in the first column, my changes don't get saved. But you said it doesn't matter, so I'm not going to worry about it. So, all in all, the settings appear exactly as I need them to, but then I look at my website, and the ad sizing is still out of control on mobile. I cannot check it on desktop, cause currently ads don't appear on my website on desktop. I don't know why it happens, and it seems to be quite random, but sometimes all ads disappear from my website when I view it on desktop, and later they appear again. It might have something to do with my VPN, but unfortunately, I cannot turn it off. Anyway, from my perspective nothing has changed since the last time I reported the issue, at least not on mobile, nor in EzoicAds. So, the issue is persisting - I don't have the level of control of the ad sizes being displayed on my website that I want to have.
Ezoic Employee
Manu123 Hi, you won't be able to view the ads if you have a VPN, so if you want to test the as in desktop you need to turn off your VPN temporarily.
Just taking a look at this, I don't think you've quite set the potential placeholder sizes up correctly. For example, you said there was a mismatch of ads on mobile, but you do have a half page ad enabled for mobile. Can you tell us what sizes you want exactly for each of your placeholders, per device? I feel this is the best way to try resolve this.
Lastly, in your first message you mentioned 'I don't even want to mention the fact I hate the way this grey box looks and the stickiness element of these placeholders. I figured that's something Ezoic insists on having.' - you can easily turn that off in EzoicAds, just scroll to in-content and turn them to static (it removes the padding from the placeholders too)
Hi Ethan, just wanted to come back to you on this. I removed the stickiness from in-content ads, and now the problem with uncontrollable sizes is not as noticeable. I'm happy with this resolution.
Imogen Hi, my blog placeholders are not generating, can you fix it?
Ezoic Employee
Ads will not fill in placeholders until the domain is fully approved by Google. Once Google approves your domain, ads will start to fill
Charlie I am not about filling them, I am talking about generatong them so that they could be filled after approval. Just regenerate them.
Ezoic Employee
Please check again in the next hour or so - we've regenerated the plugin placeholders for you.
Tucker_P_Ezoic Can this placeholder issue cause "Google served ads Without Publisher Content"? Or that is something else? Because I got that issue
Ezoic Employee
haseebjutt Sorry for the miscommunication, but the site was actually denied for low value content. Please check out our MCM guide for full information on what each of the different Google domain denials mean, as well as for recommendations which you can apply to your site so you are more likely to be approved by Google for Ad Manager:
Some of our most recommended actions for getting sites approved is:
Ensuring your content meets Google’s content policy guidelines
Ensuring you have a suitable amount of content on the site (15 posts at least, at minimum 500 words per post)
Ensuring that your content is well organized, and categorized, and that the site is easy to navigate
Domains that are disapproved by Ad Manager are all reviewed by a team of experts at Ezoic, and if they determine the usual criteria for ad manager approval is met, will be sent directly to Google for a site consultation. This usually results in the disapproval being overturned, but only sites that are deemed suitable will be submitted. As a result, we’ll not provide specific site feedback and recommendations on MCM domain approvals in the Ezoic Community. If your site is sent to consult and then approved, you’ll be informed in your Ezoic dashboard.
In the meantime, you’re welcome to reapply for Ad Manager yourself using the link in your dashboard, once you’ve ensured that all guidelines and recommendations are met.