As you can see in the next image, red line went to 0 with my improvements, but now, red Line is going up really fast !
CLS is increasing without changes on muy website
Ezoic Employee
We're taking a look at the particular LCP issue - although it doesn't seem to be negatively affecting all pages at the moment.
We do also want to make sure it's clear --- CWV metrics (speed) only account for about 2% of all ranking factors, so fluctuations in one metric like LCP wouldn't be negatively affecting search ranking with Google or your traffic too much, or enough to be super concerned immediately.
As noted, we're taking a look to see if we can't find a quick fix for you
Ezoic Employee
Is there a reason Script Delay, Resize Images, Set explicit width / height, and minify CSS are all turned off as part of your LEAP setup?
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Hello, as I said, It has been working fine one or two weeks with a low CLS. Suddently, the CLS es really really bad. No changes in the website, no new articules...Im still on vacation and im checking the website using my cell phone. CLS was 89 and in 4 days CLS is only 66. If I remove ezoic, ads, and I use only my hosting CLS is the BEST....
I Will check Next week with my laptop, but it's really strange. Those leap options are off because It doesnt works correctly.... As I said, it has been working with that leap options and CLS 89 several days....
Ezoic Employee
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It's possible there's natural fluctuation, especially if cache hit rates change slightly and visits are fairly low (meaning a small number of lower values could skew the percentages quite significantly).
Using the chrome extension to look at the element, it appears there could be a conflict with the left siderail location and your menu area of the site. We can try turning the left side-rail off for the time being, which might slightly lower earnings but would help us to identify if that is causing the shift at all.
Is that something you'd like us to try?
Hello, i'm going to disable left and right sidebards.
Lets see how It works. No problem with lower earnings, I need to discover where is the CLS problem.
I'm back again at home after my vacation. The metrics are really really bad, CLS is increasing day by day I'm going to disable step by step some Ezoic components like CDN, Leap, Ads.... I hope to discover where is the problem.
Ezoic Employee
acidrain_lnx Turning Leap settings off is going to further hurt your CLS and core web vital scores, as Leap is designed to improve core web vitals. Is there a reason you have script delay and several other Leap advanced settings turned off? You want to turn on as many of those as possible (but make sure your site layout doesn't get affected by the Leap settings).
You also mentioned you'd made changes to improve the CLS in the past, can you remember what exactly you tried to implement to improve CLS?
Hello Ethan, yes I remembers my changes. To reduce the CLS from "red" to "green" first of all y changed my DNS again in my hosting to use only my Hosting and DNS. It's better for debugging because debugging with Ezoic and all services enabled is crazy!.
I removed some js, some plugins, I added lazy load, I removed woff/woff2 fonts ... all the recomendations by Google using Web Developer and Lighthouse Test. After that changes I moved again my DNS to Ezoic and CLS moved from red to green. But after 4-5-6 working fine, again CLS moved from green to Red without changes in my website.
Yesterday I moved again the DNS and testes again my hosting with this results:
As you can see my website is really fast. (not 100% but higher than 90-95% in most cases).
I've moved again my DNS to Ezoic DNS... let see how it works, but CWV in google is really bad, 100% my URLS are BAD.
Ezoic Employee
acidrain_lnx I see - thank you for clarifying. Changing the DNS/integrating itself isn't going to change your Core Web Vital scores. However, when you integrate Ezoic ads and other Ezoic script is added to your site, which does result in some latency and will affect Core Web Vitals. That is an unavoidable part of monetizing a site.
Ultimately if you want to monetize the site then there is going to be some impact on site speed.
If you want to monetize the site but also focus on site speed > go to Leap > optimize > script execution > change settings > disable ads above the fold. This'll improve your LCP scores but of course can hurt revenue
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Hello again:
I cant find a solution to this. I've disabled ads, only Leap and CDN bus the values are horriblle. I'm gooing to work again with my old Ads provider so i will remove Ezoic some months or mayve forevert. I cant spent days, weeks and months trying to discover what is happnening with Ezoic, it's crazy.
Maybe at the end of this year I will try it again....but I need to recover CWV in Google an recover some traffic.
Ezoic Employee
acidrain_lnx Sorry to hear this. It doesn't look like you ever managed to implement the suggestion to turn off ads above the fold, which ultimately would've helped with Core Web Vital performance. Additionally, you mentioned recovering traffic but looking at your Ezoic analytics, there wasn't really a drop in traffic. Speed is also only one of hundreds of factors Google uses in ranking sites, and we've typically found that sites don't tend to see their ranking hurt by poor site speed as long as content is of a high quality - that might be something bearing in mind
Hello Ethan:
I disabled the Ezoic CDN/leap and DNS 2 weeks for testing purpose and know, my site is again in Review? Why? I've been working with Ezoic in that domain 1 year !
Ezoic Employee
acidrain_lnx - Looks like all your sites that have a revenue history with us are approved and earning revenue. You do have one site in your account that isn't yet approved but from what we can see it has never earned revenue (m************ - is this correct?
This is the domain: ra******* where I want to re-enable again Ads.
Ezoic Employee
You should be all set within the next hour It can take 18-24 hours for integration to complete after switching the nameservers, just for future reference
Hello again:
I disabled ezoic from my website and CLS went to 0 in all my pages. Now, I've moved again my domain to Ezoic, some days CLS has been stable, but not, its increasing ... no changes, no templates changes, no css changes, nothing, nothing ....
I can't understand this behavior
Ezoic Employee
acidrain_lnx Hey, CLS wise, you're performing incredibly well. I am looking at raul***** still, is this correct? If so, you are passing core web vitals here, where you are not performing as well is your LCP scores, particuarly on mobile. Changes that can positively include your LCP score are things like moving larger elements below the fold, and making improvemetns to your cache hit rate. Have you looked into this via Leap?
Most of the configurations are enabled, but CLS is day by day going up ..... CDN On, Leap on , Cache On, not too much ads enabled..... when I'm using my hosting, CLS is nearly 0, but with Ezoic .... is a mess. Lets see hos it works in this second chance.
Ezoic Employee
acidrain_lnx CLS has got worse over the last few days, that is correct. However, it doesn't seem to have increased by an amount which should be causing concern, you're still passing Core Web Vitals. I'm also not seeing any recommendations when testing URLs in Ezoic lab. We could revisit this if the CLS scores continue getting worse but for now we just need to give Leap some time to optimize on your site and for optimized versions of the site to begin storing in the cache